Git is a strong version control tool that can make the programming life much easier to manage. I have been using git for a while now. It had made my programming life a lot easier.
There used to be a time when I didn’t know a thing about git. I also didn’t know why version controls were needed projects. In those days I only used to write small codes which does simple things. Those codes were quite easy to maintain. Slowly I started writing codes for complex(compared to my previous programs) projects. I started to feel that those codes were hard to maintain. Before I add new things in the project I need to manually make a copy of the project about:startpageas a backup. There were high chances that I would mess up those code make my life a living hell. My folder containing the project would look something like this:
This confused me a lot. Sometimes I used to forget in which copy my latest changes were and which were the unwanted copy. Sometimes the file name wouldn’t make any sense to me. Just by reading the file name, it would be hard to understand why I created the copy or what difference the copy holds compared to other copies. Then I started using time-stamps on the name of the copy of the project folders. This made my life a litter better but number of copy of backup folders increased in such a way that it started getting out of hand filling the hard disk of my computer.
When I met git, I thought it was a weird piece of software. When I first heard of it, it sounded like गीत(‘Song’ in Nepali language). There is a meme “why is git popular in Nepal?”
The commands were weird to me. I had some idea about command line tools back then, but I was not used to it as I used GUI most of the time. I tied the GUI version of git but it made little sense to me. I also learned that Git repository hosting service like github exists. I used the command line version once or twice and forget about it.
After a long time while I was doing one of my high-school project I remembered about git and decided to use it in my project. I used git just to push the project to github as I was loosing previous projects files due to frequent formatting of my PC and other reasons. Sometimes I feel that if I had used git in my early projects, they would still be with me. Anyway, since I only used git just to push my code to github there only used to be one or two commits in my projects as I only used to commit at the end of the projects.
Now, I use git in almost in all my projects. I push them to remote repository sites. I commit frequently, even for small changes. I no longer need to manually make unwanted copies of my projects. My programming life had never been easier, I no longer need to make manual backup copies of my project. Using git I can easily visit the past( Made me feel like a time traveler ) of my projects. Commit messages made the past changes easier to understand( Made me feel like a mind reader of some sort ).